macOS Batch convert pages to PDF with automator or script?

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macrumors 68040
Original poster Jun 2, 2008 3,146 2,106

Is there a quick way to batch convert pages files into PDFs using Automator? I couldn't see anything obvious. thanks


macrumors 6502a
Feb 12, 2008 937 223 East Riding of Yorkshire, UK

Is there a quick way to batch convert pages files into PDFs using Automator? I couldn't see anything obvious. thanks

I don't think there are any helpful Pages actions, but you could use an AppleScript action to do the export.


macrumors 68040
Original poster Jun 2, 2008 3,146 2,106

Thanks for the reply Script is out of my comfort zone.

I found this droplet

but i'm getting "incompatible items" errors with the latest pages files. Anyone savvy around to troubleshoot?

on run

set theseItems to (choose fileof type with prompt "Choose the Pages documents to export to PDF:" with multiple selections allowed)


end run

on opentheseItems


set the filesToProcess to <>

-- filter the dragged-on items for presentation files

repeat with i from 1 to the count of theseItems

set thisItem to itemi of theseItems

if my checkForIdentifier(thisItem, ) is true then

set the end of the filesToProcess to thisItem

end if

end repeat

if filesToProcess is <> then

display alert "INCOMPATIBLE ITEMS" message "None of the items were Pages documents."

-- process the documents

my exportToPDF(filesToProcess)

end if

end open

on exportToPDF(theseFiles)

repeat with i from 1 to the count of theseFiles

set thisFile to itemi of theseFiles

set thisFilePOSIXPath to the POSIX path of thisFile

copy my deriveNewFilename(thisFilePOSIXPath, "pdf", "-", "") to

set targetFileReference to targetPOSIXpath as POSIX file

tell application "Pages"

with timeout of 1200 seconds



with timeout of 1200 seconds

export front documenttotargetFileReferenceasPDF

end timeout

close front documentsavingno

end timeout

on error errorMessagenumbererrorNumber

if errorNumber is not -128 then

display alerterrorNumbermessageerrorMessage

end if

error number -128

end try

end tell

end repeat

end exportToPDF

on checkForIdentifier(thisItem, theseTypeIdentifiers)

-- uses Spotlight to check for specified item type

set the queryResult to ¬

(do shell script "mdls -raw -name kMDItemContentType " & ¬

quoted form of the POSIX path of thisItem)

if the queryResult is in theseTypeIdentifiers then

return true

return false

end if

on error

return false

end try

end checkForIdentifier

on deriveNewFilename(sourceItemPOSIXPath, newNameExtension, incrementSeparator, targetFolderPOSIXPath)

-- A sub-routine used for deriving the name and path of a new file using the name of an existing file

-- Pass in file ref in POSIX format, the new name extension, an increment separator, and any target directory (in POSIX format)

-- Name and POSIX path for new file are returned. The name is incremented if a file exists in the target location.

-- Pass a null string for the target directory to use the item's parent directory

-- Pass a null string for the new name extension to use the item's current name extension

copy my itemInfoFor(sourceItemPOSIXPath) to

if targetFolderPOSIXPath is "" then

-- get the path to parent folder of the source item

set targetFolderPOSIXPath to parentDirectoryPath

else if targetFolderPOSIXPath contains "~" then

set targetFolderPOSIXPath to (do shell script "echo " & targetFolderPOSIXPath)

end if

if targetFolderPOSIXPath does not end with "/" then set targetFolderPOSIXPath to targetFolderPOSIXPath & "/"

-- check file extension

if the sourceItemNameExtension is missing value then

set the sourceItemNameExtension to ""

if newNameExtension is "" then

set extensionSeparator to ""

set extensionSeparator to "."

end if

set extensionSeparator to "."

end if

-- generate the target file name

if the newNameExtension is "" then

set targetName to sourceItemName

set targetExtension to sourceItemNameExtension

set targetExtension to newNameExtension

set targetName to (the sourceItemBaseName & extensionSeparator & targetExtension) as Unicode text

end if

-- check to see if a file named the same as the source file exists in the target folder

set targetItemPOSIXPath to targetFolderPOSIXPath & targetName

set the fileExistenceStatus to ¬

(do shell script "[ -a " & (quoted form of targetItemPOSIXPath) & " ] && echo 'true' || echo 'false'") as boolean

if fileExistenceStatus is true then

set the nameIncrement to 1

-- create a new target path with the target item name incremented

set the newName to ¬

(the sourceItemBaseName & incrementSeparator & (nameIncrement as Unicode text) & extensionSeparator & targetExtension) as Unicode text

set targetItemPOSIXPath to targetFolderPOSIXPath & newName

set the fileExistenceStatus to ¬

(do shell script "[ -a " & (quoted form of targetItemPOSIXPath) & " ] && echo 'true' || echo 'false'") as boolean

if fileExistenceStatus is true then

set the nameIncrement to the nameIncrement + 1

set the targetPOSIXpath to (targetFolderPOSIXPath & newName)

end if

end repeat

set the targetPOSIXpath to (targetFolderPOSIXPath & targetName)

end if

end deriveNewFilename

on itemInfoFor(sourceItemPOSIXPath)

-- get the parent directory of the item

set the parentDirectoryPath to (do shell script "dirname " & (the quoted form of sourceItemPOSIXPath))

if parentDirectoryPath does not end with "/" then set parentDirectoryPath to parentDirectoryPath & "/"

-- get the name of the item

set the itemFileName to (do shell script "basename " & (quoted form of sourceItemPOSIXPath))

-- get the item name without extension

set the itemNameWithoutExtension to (do shell script "file=" & (quoted form of itemFileName) & ";echo $")

-- get the item extension

if itemFileName contains "." then

set the itemFileExtension to do shell script "file=" & (quoted form of itemFileName) & ";echo $"

set the itemFileExtension to missing value