About Paul dix

Behaviour specialist, author, education reformer and advisor. Helping teachers and headteachers across the world with transformational relational behaviour practice.

As a teacher, leader and teacher trainer Paul has been working with the most difficult behaviours in the most challenging contexts for the last 27 years. Miraculously Paul studied at Homerton College Cambridge after countless attempts to sabotage his own education. He is a speaker in high demand engaging huge audiences in practical ways to transform their classrooms, relationships and schools. Paul also works with Leadership Teams to create seismic shifts in culture and behaviour.

Paul fell in love with teaching while working as a Teaching Assistant after leaving school. Teaching both inspired and drew him in due to the creativity, the variety and the cohort after cohort of utterly brilliant children he encountered. He taught in schools surrounded by poverty in London, Nuneaton and Birmingham across all ages. Tough places with big hearts and fantastic children. Paul was commended for leading school behaviour policy and practice through intensive inspection. He has walked the walk.

Paul has delivered training and spoken on large stages all over the world, advised the English Department for Education on Teacher Standards, given evidence to the Education Select Committee and carried out extensive work with the Ministry of Justice on Behaviour and Restraint in Youth Custody.

His book When The Adults Change, Everything Changes published in 2017 by Crown House has sold more than 150,000 copies. The follow-up After the Adults Change was released last year..

Paul works internationally on Behaviour, Culture and School Reform. His new book 'When The Parents Change Everything Changes' is published by Cornerstone Press, Penguin Random House and is out now. Paul tweets too much on @PaulDixTweets.