Essential Drug List – Common Homeopathic medicines for all Seasons

Homeopathy essential medicine List

This essential drug list (EDL) is published by the Dept. of Ayush, under a consultative process and includes only generic medicines from Pharmacopeia, formulary and authoritative texts and is indicated as guiding tool for procurement and stocking of medicines in the public health system ( i.e., supply of homeopathy medicines in dispensaries and hospitals and co-located homeopathic facilities in PHCs, CHCs, and District Hospitals). The essential drug list has been arrived keeping in mind disease prevalence, evidence of efficacy, safety and comparative cost effectiveness. It also keeps in mind specific consideration factors like multiple indications, dosage forms and diverse preferences of practitioners which may vary between locations. It aims to provide a careful selection of essential medicines with a limited range resulting in higher quality of patient care.

The AYUSH essential drug list were last formulated in 2000 and updated subsequently by taking inputs of homeopathic practitioners, who by virtue of being in direct touch with the patients know better about the access, quality and culturally appropriate use of homeopathy and other alternative medicines. This has resulted in a harmonized approach accommodating certain medicines in the EDL which are prepared by practitioner in a particular region because of their composition, long history of safe and effective use for certain ailments and which are not much practiced in other parts of the country owing to ignorance as well as lack of availability. This can be a essential guide to all homeopathic practitioners, not just restricted to Govt clinics/hospitals alone for procurement and stocking of medicines in their health facility.

Homeopathy essetntial medicine Lis

Other Points to be noted

The medicines listed in the Essential Drugs List should be procured from a genuine supplier who meets the licensing requirement and quality standards in the Drugs & Cosmetics Act 1940

To discourage loose dispensing of medicines to patients, it is advisable to procure medicines in standard unit pack sizes as indicated in EDL for each medicine. The unit pack size of the medicine has been indicated on the basis of weekly requirement of medicines to be given to the patients. Small dispensable paper bags, plastic bottles, polythene envelops etc. may be used for dispensing medicines to patients for 3-4 days. Homoeopathic medicines are particularly dispensed in globules in glass/plastic phials with cork.

The indications, contraindications and precautions of use given against each medicine are the general and illustrative or reference books.

The medicines to be procured out of the EDL must be distributed to patients under medical supervision.

Due care of the storage conditions and expiry dates of the medicines should be taken, Spoiled or expired medicines should not be used or dispensed.

Salient Features – Essential Drug List

The EDL contains generic homeopathic medicines based on Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India. Following aspects should be observed while considering procurement of medicines-

  1. The homeopathic system is based on subjective and objective symptoms of ailments and the medicines are not disease-specific. The same medicines are used by clinicians in different ailments on the basis of symptom complex and individual’s psycho-physical characteristics.
  2. Homeopathic medicines are proven to be effective in treating large number of acute as well as chronic ailments. The successful treatment ensues when a physician understands the dimensions of the disease in the homeopathic perspective and accordingly prescribes genuine and effective homoeopathic medicines to restore the state of health. Unless the indicated medicine is administered in its correct potency and repeated properly, patient may not respond to the medication. Though the number of homeopathic medicines has increased over the years, the EDL contains such essential medicines as could effectively manage following common ailments-

Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose, Mouth, Teeth, Throat and Tonsils

Menstrual and reproductive health problems

Injuries, Burns, Hemorrhages

Name of Medicine

Dilutions (Potencies)

Mother Tinctures

Indicated Health Benefits

BIOCHEMICS 12 tissue salts


Source: Dept of AYUSH, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt of India.

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