The space shuttle ascent guidance and control

Shuttle ascent guidance and control. The requirements of a unified optimal guidance scheme are discussed, giving attention to a general formulation, aspects of self-targeting, problems of optimum guidance within the atmosphere, and a unified concept for all flight phases. Since no previous guidance scheme meets these requirements, the shuttle demands a fundamentally new approach. A new unified optimal guidance scheme, called Mascot, was developed. The capabilities of Mascot include the real-time solution of general trajectory-optimization problems and the unification of guidance for all flight phases.

Document ID


Acquisition Source

Legacy CDMS

Document Type

Reprint (Version printed in journal)

Lovingood, J. A.

Geissler, E. O. (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, Ala., United States)

Date Acquired

August 6, 2013

Publication Date

February 1, 1972

Publication Information

Publication: Astronautics and Aeronautics

Subject Category

Space Vehicles

Accession Number

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