Carmel Junior College, Sonari is an English Medium Co-educational School, conducted by the Sisters of the Apostolic Carmel Congregation. The congregation of the Apostolic Carmel has several schools in India and abroad in which young people belonging to every creed, social class, community and linguistic group are educated through the medium of English and the regional languages. These institutions are part of the Catholic Church’s effort to share in the country’s educational endeavour. This effort, while particularly responsible to the Christian community,
795 Folsom Ave, Suite 600,San Francisco, CA 94107
Mon to Sat 8:30am - 4:30pm, Sunday - Holiday
To fulfill our vision we shall endeavour to :
Inspired by our Foundress Mother Veronica and urged on by Mother Marie des Anges our first Superior General "we shall keep looking ahead with a clear vision for the future", for standards of excellence in our educational and social apostolate for a holistic development of our students which shall enable them to face the challenges of tomorrow.
Sister M. Natasha A.C. took charge as the Principal on 1st June, 2020. 25 years ago Sister Flavian had vowed that the newly founded Carmel Junior School was the imprint of success. As the Principal of the school, Sister Natasha has carried forward this legacy and played a pivotal role in its journey to help Carmel Junior College walk tall with a broad vision to spread the best of knowledge and wisdom among the 21st century young minds through innovative learning. She has been proudly carrying the torch of excellence in quality education ever since to make Carmel Junior College an institute of great promise and enviable standards.
Sister M. Sharel A.C. took charge as the Vice Principal on 1st June, 2022. Under her able guidance and leadership, the school not only strives to pursue academic excellence but also to motivate critical thinking among the students so as to make them proactive members of the society. She continues the good work done by her predecessors to lead the students to excel in all aspects of life, instilling in them the values of Carmel.