Hinds school official out after critical audit report

JACKSON, Miss. – Today Auditor Shad White announced his office uncovered alarming business practices at the Hinds County School District during a routine audit. Auditors found poor controls over the district credit cards and bank accounts which had not been reconciled in nearly a year. Additionally, spending records were destroyed before they were reviewed, and the district failed to adhere to some purchasing laws. Most concerning is a finding showing an assistant superintendent is responsible for more than $50,000 in improper expenditures.

“The auditor’s office just restarted compliance audits of school districts for the first time in a few years, and already we have seen serious issues,” said State Auditor Shad White.

Audit findings include:

“This uncontrolled and unlawful administrative spending is not acceptable,” said White. “It shortchanges teachers and students. It’s not fair for taxpayers. They all have a right to be angry about this kind of administrative spending. It results in money going outside the classroom and it violates our spending laws. I expect the district to take swift action to make sure this stops.”

Audit findings related to the assistant superintendent have been forwarded to the Auditor’s Investigations Division. The Mississippi Office of the State Auditor does not discuss any pending investigation and will have no further comment on the matter.